Reverend J.G. Kirckhoff was pastor
of the First Presbyterian Church of Summerville. In late
1940, a reception in his and his wife's honor was given by the women of
the church.

This photograph appeared
in the
January 9, 1941 edition of the
and shows, from left to
right, Miss Sara Agnew, Mrs. Harry McGinnis, Misses Eloise Cheek, Jean
Agnew, Mrs. Roy Alexander, Rev. J.G. Kirckhoff, Mrs. Kirckhoff, Mrs.
B.W. Farrar, Mrs. O.H. Elgin, Miss Harriett Whisnant, and Mrs. J.B.
Whisnant, Jr. (The women's names and titles are
listed as
they appeared
in the newspaper.)
According to the
reception was a tribute to the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church
of Summerville and his wife as they prepared to move to Atlanta
begin their duties at the Ormwood Park Presbyterian Church.
"First, the church gave them a Christmas present of exquisite
flat silver, then a beautiful reception, and last, all the churches in
town united in a farewell service on Sunday evening."
Around 125 guests attended
reception, along with other pastors and their wives as invited
guests of the church. "Music and readings were given by Miss
Annie Pitts, Miss Rose Nell Weems, Mrs. John D. Taylor, Mrs. J.G.
Kirckhoff, and C.C. Cliett." The
article went on to say the
Kirckhoffs "have done a splendid work here and the whole city feels
grateful for their ministry and regret at their leaving."
Photograph by the
Summerville Studio. Courtesy of L.C. Smith.