Their daughter, Marie, remembers:
"When I was young, I hated being a preacher's kid because Dad was so strict or so we thought at the time. As Dad would say, 'You are the preacher's children; you have to set the example.' Oh, how I hated those words back then when I wanted to do the things other kids were doing, such as staying out past ten o'clock, going to the movies, wearing make-up, shorts, or jeans. But I've learned to appreciate those guidelines and wish more parents enforced stricter ones today.
"Dad and Mom believed in the family alter. Every day there was Bible reading and prayer as a family in our home. No meal was ever eaten until we asked the blessing. Even after we all left home and would go back for visits, we still had family prayer time together. Today, I am very proud of my Christian Heritage."
Thanks to Marie Crowe Noah for sharing her photographs and memories.
Copyright 2011 Greg W. McCollum. All rights reserved.